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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

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Danielle S Pottinger, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Westerville Pediatric Specialists Inc
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Phone: 614-508-2223
Matthew M Wagner, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Diagnostic Radiology
Ryan B Gaible, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Ohio Gastroenterology Group
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Phone: 614-754-5500
Joseph Joseph, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Internal Medicine
Phone: 253-682-6050
David M Drees, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Diagnostic Radiology
Don A Bertolotti, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Emergency Medicine
Immediate Health Assoc
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Phone: 614-794-0481
Paul Zeeb, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Emergency Medicine
Emergency Services Inc
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Phone: 614-224-6420
Teferi G Mengesha, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Hypertension and Kidney Specialists, LLC
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Phone: 614-367-1004
Joanna L Failor, DO
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Internal Medicine
Central Ohio Primary Care Physicians Inc
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Phone: 614-267-8371
Joshua A Grosshandler, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Westerville Dermatology Inc
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Phone: 614-895-1109
Kenneth A Boyle Jr, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Northwest Eye Surgeons
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Phone: 614-451-7550
Cherie A Richey, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Columbus Women's Care Inc
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Phone: 614-755-4200
Thomas C Litzinger, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
ReVision Lasik and Cataract Surgery
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Phone: 800-475-2113
Benjamin A Bogucki, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Eastside Dermatology Inc
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Phone: 614-863-3222
Craig N Dimitris, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Orthopedic Surgery
Rakesh Jha, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Diagnostic Radiology
Taral Patel, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Zangmeister Cancer Center
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Phone: 614-383-6000
Kevin P O'Reilly, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Columbus Nephrology Inc
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Phone: 614-224-4200
John Castor, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Ohio Gastroenterology Group
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Phone: 614-754-5500
Abhay S Gokhale, MD
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Radiation Oncology
Mount Carmel Outpatient Cancer Treatment Center St. Ann's
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Phone: 380-898-8400

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