
The Mount Carmel Orthopedic Residency Program is a comprehensive program. It addresses the full spectrum of orthopedic practice, and its residents emerge with competency in a broad range of orthopedic specialties, as well as significant hands-on experience with a variety of patient populations and practice settings.

2024-25 Master Schedule

First Year (PGY 1)

Mount Carmel's PGY 1 curriculum is in compliance with ACGME guidelines. The goal is to prepare residents for specialty education in orthopedic surgery. Rotations include the following:

  • Emergency Medicine: 1 month
  • General Surgery: 1 month
  • PM&R: 1 month
  • Trauma Service: 1 month
  • Vascular Surgery: 1 month
  • Orthopedic Surgery: 6 months
  • Pediatrics (Nationwide Children's Hospital): 1 month

Second Year (PGY 2) 

The focus of PGY 2 is primarily general orthopedics but residents will also have early exposure to various orthopedic subspecialties and 3 months of Basic Science. Again, see the master schedule.

Third and Fourth Years (PGY 3 and 4)

Specific rotations include the following:

  • Adult Orthopedics: 6 months
  • Basic Science and Anatomy: 6 months
  • Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery: 3 months
  • Pediatric Orthopedics: 6 months

Fifth Year (PGY 5)

The Mount Carmel Orthopedic Residency Program is focused on producing practitioners who are fully prepared to be self-sufficient and demonstrate leadership in all aspects of practice. As such, the PGY 5 chief residents will focus on the orthopedic subspecialties and will also administer/manage the Chief Resident Service as junior attending physicians. The chief residents also have the opportunity to supplement his/her schedule for the year, based on subspecialty interests. This unique PGY 5 is intended to produce individuals who are prepared to begin independent practice or progress into fellowship training.

Rotation Locations

The majority of formal education occurs at Mount Carmel Grove City (opened on April 29, 2019) and Mount Carmel East Hospitals, but the curriculum also includes clinical opportunities at Mount Carmel St. Ann’s Hospital, Easton Ambulatory Surgical Center, Nationwide Children's Hospital (pediatric orthopedic). Orthopedic residents are not required to leave Columbus for any rotation during their residency.

Program Requirements

Orthopedic residents are required to participate in at least two half-days of outpatient ambulatory orthopedics per week. The remaining time is typically spent in surgery or in educational opportunities.

Orthopedic residents are required to complete at least two scholarly projects during their five-year training program. One project must be a "major" research project, in which the resident designs, implements, and completes a scientific study with faculty guidance. The other project may be "minor", which could be a review paper or case study, etc. Both must be submitted for publication prior to graduation. A one-month research elective is available to all residents.