
Alert Details

  • When we receive a radio report from EMS, the ER staff decides if the patient meets trauma alert criteria.
  • If a trauma alert is called, the trauma team is activated and the ER staff notifies EMS that the patient will be going to the trauma bay.
  • In the event of a trauma, Mount Carmel has:
    • 24/7/365 IN-HOUSE trauma surgeon coverage
    • 24/7/365 neurosurgeon coverage
    • 24/7/365 surgery
  • When we call a trauma alert, we ask that EMS:
    • Provide the patient’s age, sex, level of consciousness and interventions (IV, O2, monitor, needle decompression, splinting, etc.)
    • Give as much detail as possible about the mechanism of injury (fall, MVC, GSW, etc.) and known/suspected injuries over the radio so a Category 1 or 2 trauma alert can be activated
    • Give a full set of vital signs, including GCS/AVPU, on all suspected trauma patients
    • List any other co-morbidities that may contribute to the patient’s morbidity and mortality (e.g., geriatric, on blood thinners, heart disease, diabetes, etc.)
    • Not delay transport unless lifesaving interventions are needed. If there is time during transport, insert at least one large-bore IV/IO.
    • STOP the bleeding with direct pressure, tourniquets, trauma dressings, etc.
    • Complete an ABCDE assessment
    • Keep the patient warm
    • Follow COTS regional spinal immobilization guidelines (backboards only used for extrication purposes)
    • Provide other pertinent field information (estimated blood loss, speed of crash, damage to car, type of weapon used, time of injury, etc.)
  • EMS will be met in the Trauma room by the trauma team which consists of a multidisciplinary team, including attending trauma surgeons, surgical residents, advanced practice providers (nurse practitioners and physician assistants), ER physician, ER nurses and techs, a pharmacist, radiology techs, respiratory therapists and a chaplain. It may also include an anesthesiologist and other surgical staff.
  • EMS Time Out: The trauma team leader will take report from EMS and the patient will be transferred to our trauma cart. EMS should make sure all the trauma team’s questions are answered and check with the scribe nurse before leaving to make sure no other information is needed.

Trauma Program Details

  • Mount Carmel East is a Level II Trauma Center offering immediate, life-saving care 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Our Trauma Center is verified by the American College of Surgeons, which ensures that our program meets national standards and recognizes our ability and commitment to provide comprehensive care for critically injured patients.
  • All of our trauma surgeons are board-certified and receive trauma-specific continuing education annually. They perform a large volume of elective and acute-care surgeries, and have additional experience in surgical critical care, advanced laparoscopic techniques and even battlefield surgery. All are also ATLS certified and most are instructors.
  • An attending trauma surgeon, senior surgical resident, junior surgical resident and trauma advanced practice provider all are part of our core trauma service team. They conduct comprehensive daily rounds on all our trauma patients and collaborate with our trauma sub-specialists to ensure coordinated care.
  • The Mount Carmel Trauma Center is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, giving our highly skilled staff around-the-clock access to acute airway management equipment; ultrasound, CT and angiograph scanners; uncrossmatched blood; rapid infusers; and OR and lab.
  • We offer an injury prevention/outreach program that focuses on preventing future patient injuries and offering public/professional education.
  • Since trauma survivors often suffer injuries that go beyond the physical, Mount Carmel helps facilitate mental and emotional recovery through education, empowerment and therapeutic intervention. The Mount Carmel Crime and Trauma Assistance Program (CTAP) accepts both internal and external referrals.
  • We also have a team of nurses who provide specialized care for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and other mistreatment, including injury identification, medical treatment, documentation and legal support.

Learn More About Trauma Services at Mount Carmel