Case Management Hub

Mount Carmel's Case Management Hub program accepts referrals for the vulnerable and underserved populations of our communities from both agencies and individuals who wish to self-refer. Those who are referred should require longer-term and more intensive case management and support and be in need of services or community resources. We team our services with those of Mount Carmel Health System along with our community partner-agencies to meet the needs of our community members.

Mount Carmel's Case Management Hub team consists of community health workers who are trusted community members who have an in-depth understanding of the area being served. Our community health workers serve as a liaisons between health and social services and the community to facilitate to implement an integrated care approach that improves the access, quality, and efficiency of healthcare services.

The team builds individual and community capacity and awareness by increasing health knowledge and self-sufficiency through a range of activities, such as outreach, community education, intensive case management, social support and advocacy; assists the patient in accessing appropriate resources and coordinates referrals as necessary; provides community and educational support; and serves as a community liaison.

To view our Alcohol and Drug Treatment Referral List, click here.

Click here to make a referral

Mount Carmel's Urban Health Management Program Hub Referral

For more information, contact our team at