Mount Carmel Franklinton Emergency Room

Phone & Address

120 South Green Street
Columbus, OH 43222

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Mount Carmel Franklinton Emergency Room

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Wait time at this location

* Estimate updated hourly

* Wait time cannot be guaranteed as it is based on patient needs at the time of your arrival. Critically ill patients will be seen immediately

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Search for other local Emergency Departments that may offer a shorter wait.


Mount Carmel offers quality, comprehensive emergency medical care to more the 185,000 patients each year at our seven emergency rooms throughout central Ohio.

Open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and staffed by board-certified emergency physicians, high-acuity nurses, on-call specialists and expert technicians, our full-service emergency care centers are all equipped with sophisticated technologies to treat almost any emergency and have both air and ground transport capabilities.

*A department of Mount Carmel Grove City