
The Mount Carmel Internal Medicine Residency program has multiple sites in and around Columbus, Ohio posed to provide health care to a lively community.

Internal Medicine – Inpatient Core Rotations

  • The Inpatient rotation takes place at our Mount Carmel Grove City Location:
    • A four-resident team, supervised by a Core Faculty member, serves as the Primary Team for up to fourteen inpatient patients.  The resident team consists of two supervising residents (typically a PGY-3 and PGY-2) and two interns (PGY-1).  The two resident-intern pairs alternate admitting days, while maintaining patient continuity.  A significant breadth and depth of patient pathology is managed, providing a robust resident learning experience.
    • Additionally, the Internal Medicine residents form the Rapid Response team and respond to rapid responses, code blues and code strokes for a unique learning experience. 
    • There is a separate “night team” for overnight admissions and coverage to allow for increased autonomy and schedule balance.
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU) rotation takes place at our Mount Carmel East location:
    • A four-resident team, supervised by an educationally-focused Board-Certified Critical Care Physician, serves as the Primary Team for up to 17 critically ill patients.
  • Academic Accountable Care Unit (AACU) rotation takes place at our Mount Carmel St. Ann’s location:
    • A three-resident team, supervised by an educationally-focused Hospitalist, serves as the Primary Team for 18-30 inpatient patients.


Internal Medicine – Ambulatory Experience 
The focus in the ambulatory rotation is on the doctor-patient relationship, continuity of care, and the effective delivery of primary care. Residents will gain exposure to a broad spectrum of medical conditions, ranging from core internal medicine issues to conditions requiring knowledge of allergy and immunology, nutrition, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology, preventative medicine, and psychiatry as they pertain to the general care of outpatients in the community. 

They will also learn about billing and coding, insurance coverage, and other concepts pertinent to systems-based practice in the outpatient setting.

Some other unique aspects of the ambulatory experience are:

  • Wednesday afternoon didactics - To formally ensure that specific Ambulatory Medicine core topics are discussed during the ambulatory rotation and to ensure all residents receive standardized teaching during their Ambulatory Medicine rotation.
  • Clinic Pods – Half day continuity care clinic pods 
  • Procedure Clinic - The procedure clinic allows for procedures to be concentrated within the dedicated resident clinics - permitting deliberate exposure and education. The procedure clinic is for a half-day a week. 
  • Simulation Lab - Residents are encouraged to attend the simulation lab experience using courses developed by the simulation lab to familiarize themselves with the techniques they will be using in the clinic.
  • Endocrinology Clinic – Residents can learn from complex endocrinology cases from a faculty endocrinologist who staffs the resident clinic once a month.
  • Morning Report - Yale Office-Based Medicine Curriculum once per week
  • 360 Evaluation – twice per year

COPC continuity experience
Third year residents are matched with community-based primary care clinic physicians to provide a longitudinal outpatient experience. Residents are paired with physicians from Central Ohio Primary Care, which boasts the largest physician owned primary care group in the US. This allows for additional outpatient exposure for a well-rounded, diverse patient experience.


First Year Residents

Inpatient Medicine 3-5 blocks
MICU 1-2 blocks
Night Medicine 1 block
Ambulatory Medicine 1-2 blocks
Research 2 weeks
Selectives* 3-4 blocks
Elective 1 block

*Selectives include: Cardiology, Palliative Care/Hospice Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Pulmonary

Second Year Residents

Inpatient Medicine 2-3 blocks
MICU 2 blocks
Night Medicine  1 block
Emergency Medicine 1 block
Geriatrics 1 block
Ambulatory Medicine 2 blocks
Selectives* 1 block
Electives 1-2 blocks

*Selectives include: Nephrology (2 weeks) and Addiction Medicine (2 weeks)

Third Year Residents

Inpatient Medicine 2-3 blocks
MICU 1-2 blocks
Night Medicine 1 block
Ambulatory Medicine 1-2 blocks
*Selectives 2-3 blocks
Electives 1-2 blocks

*Selectives include Hem-Onc, Neurology (2 weeks), Rheumatology/Endocrinology, GI (2 weeks)

Elective Choices:

Electives can include Cardiology, Nephrology, Pulmonary, Hematology/Oncology, Palliative Care/Hospice, Interventional Radiology, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, Infectious Disease, Geriatrics, Dermatology, Addiction Medicine, Street Medicine, Neurology, Rural Medicine, Research, International, Away