Mount Carmel Medical Group physician, Dr. Jean McKee, was driving home one day when the car in front of her suddenly veered off the road and plunged into a ditch. She immediately pulled over, called 911 and rushed down the embankment to help.

The elderly driver was unresponsive, but Dr. McKee and another bystander were able to get him out of the car. She immediately started chest compressions and continued until an ambulance arrived. Despite the compressions and several shocks from the squad, however, the man did not respond, leaving those at the scene to fear the worst. It wasn’t until Dr. McKee got a thank you call the next day from the gentleman’s wife that she learned the compressions had, in fact, saved him. He was miraculously alive and recovering nicely.

Thanks, Dr. McKee, for reminding us that patient-centered care doesn’t always happen in the office.