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*The Physician Directory includes information about the healthcare providers who have medical staff privileges at one or more Trinity Health Michigan hospital and/or participate in Trinity Health Michigan’s clinically integrated network. The directory includes providers employed by Trinity Health Medical Group and Trinity Health IHA Medical Group and in private practice. No provider has paid a fee to be included.

3 doctor resultsListMap
Gina N Moody, DO
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Pulmonary Medicine

4.9 out of 5 (91 ratings)

Mount Carmel Pulmonary & Sleep Grove City
More Location Information
Phone: 614-663-3877
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Bethany L McCauley, NP
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group
  • Clinically Integrated Network
Cardiovascular Disease
Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists - McNaughten
More Location Information
Phone: 614-627-2000
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Vijay Ravipati, MD
  • Mount Carmel Medical Group

4.8 out of 5 (87 ratings)

Mount Carmel Heart & Vascular Specialists - McNaughten
More Location Information
Phone: 614-627-2000
Appointments(New Patients Welcome)
Gina N Moody, DO

Gina N Moody, DO

Pulmonary Medicine
5300 N Meadows Dr
Bldg 2 - Ste 3820
Grove City, OH 43123

Gina N Moody, DO

Pulmonary Medicine
Gina N Moody, DO

Gina N Moody, DO

Pulmonary Medicine
477 Cooper Rd
Ste 450
Westerville, OH 43081

Gina N Moody, DO

Pulmonary Medicine
Bethany L McCauley, NP

Bethany L McCauley, NP

Cardiovascular Disease
85 McNaughten Rd
Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43213

Bethany L McCauley, NP

Cardiovascular Disease
Bethany L McCauley, NP

Bethany L McCauley, NP

Cardiovascular Disease
477 Cooper Rd
Ste 200
Westerville, OH 43081

Bethany L McCauley, NP

Cardiovascular Disease
Vijay Ravipati, MD
85 McNaughten Rd
Ste 300
Columbus, OH 43213

Vijay Ravipati, MD
