
Stroke is our nation's third-leading cause of death and the number one cause of serious, long-term disability in the United States. That's why Mount Carmel is dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of stroke.

Each year, more than 795,000 Americans suffer a stroke. That’s one stroke every 40 seconds. And with more than 137,000 deaths per year, strokes are our nation’s fourth-leading cause of death. Are you at risk for stroke?

Take our assessment.

Our multidisciplinary stroke team includes emergency medicine physicians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists, neuropsychologists and rehabilitation specialists. Together they provide a coordinated rapid response system for treating stroke patients.

The team quickly determines if you are a candidate for tPa (the only FDA-approved medication for acute stroke). If not, standard therapy begins immediately. And because our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with high-quality CT and MRI scanners to help diagnose and confirm the type of stroke without delay, you can get the treatment you need quickly.

Our Stroke Coordinator RNs work in tandem with our expert physicians to educate patients and their families, as well as assist in the transition of the patient from the hospital to home or rehabilitation. And, the Neurosurgery Advanced Practice Nurses at Mount Carmel East and Grove City assist patients and their families with their educational needs from surgery through discharge and recovery. A free class is offered at Mount Carmel East twice a month to patients undergoing spinal surgeries.

Mount Carmel provides the critical care necessary to meet the unique and specialized needs of stroke patients, and achieve long-term success in improving outcomes. Our record in the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of stroke patients, has received national recognition for the quality, care and outcomes of our stroke program, including these distinctions:

Comprehensive Stroke Center

Mount Carmel East has earned Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification – the highest level of stroke certification available – from The Joint Commission and American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. To earn this coveted recognition, hospitals must be capable of diagnosing and treating the most complex stroke cases.

Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification

Primary Stroke Centers

Mount Carmel Grove City and Mount Carmel St. Ann's both received the Joint Commission's Certificate of Distinction for Primary Stroke Centers. The certifications signify that Mount Carmel provides the critical care necessary to meet the unique and specialized needs of stroke patients, and achieve long-term success in improving outcomes.

Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award

Mount Carmel East, Grove City and St. Ann's received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines®—Stroke Gold Plus Quality Achievement Award. In addition, Mount Carmel St. Ann's also received the Target: Stroke Honor Roll Elite award, and Mount Carmel East and Grove City received the Target: Stroke Honor Roll and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll awards. These awards recognize Mount Carmel’s unwavering commitment and success in implementing a higher standard of stroke care.