
Our conferences provide residents with basic science and clinical preparation throughout the course of the 5-year program. They are facilitated by members of the Mount Carmel surgical faculty who have expertise on the topics to be discussed. Residents are provided with new iPad’s at the start of residency and the Mount Carmel Health Sciences library is a 24 hour on-line resource with free access to various surgical texts and evidence-based literature to support the academic curriculum. There is also a library of podcasts created by faculty members which serve to review fundamental topics and provide increased flexibility in learning opportunities.

An overview of program conferences are listed below and our current year's academic schedule can be accessed by clicking on the Academic Calendar tab in the navigation window.

Trauma and Surgical Critical Care

This is a formal podcast supported curriculum led by the program director with weekly podcast, supplemental readings, quiz and interactive session.

Schwartz/SCORE Lecture

Attending faculty present on topics found in Schwartz Text book of Surgery or in SCORE. Residents are required to prepare by completing assigned readings prior to lecture.

Specialty Conference

Topics are presented by faculty members from Urology, Neurology, Vascular, Infectious Disease, Anesthesia, Cardiology, Nephrology, Interventional Radiology and Critical Care.

Basic Science Lecture

Basic Science Lectures are prepared by residents and presented with faculty involvement and participation. A multitude of resources are available to residents via the Mount Carmel Medical Library.

Journal Club

Journal Club reviews articles from major surgery journals and follow-up discussion with residents and faculty follows. This is every 2 weeks and varies between 7 a.m. and a fun night out.

Morbidity and Mortality Conference

During this weekly conference series, 1–2 cases are presented by residents, and followed by evidence-based presentations and discussion.

Tumor Board

Surgical and Medical Oncologists present unusual patient cases to a multidisciplinary audience. Potential treatment protocols are determined through discussion.

Resident Ground Rounds

PGY 2 - PGY 4 residents, along with a staff advisor, prepare grand rounds topics on a monthly basis. These are formal presentations given to residents and teaching faculty across the spectrum.

Multidisciplinary Trauma Conference

Patient cases are presented for discussion by faculty and residents from participating programs within the trauma system, including general surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery, radiology, emergency room physicians, nursing staff and para-professionals.

Chief Resident Conference

Interactive conference led by the Academic Chief Resident synthesizing all of the weeks' prior topics.