The new year is typically when people renew their commitment to healthier living – especially fitness. Joining a gym and attending regularly might not be an option for everyone, but exercising at home can be a much easier, available, and cost-effective option when it comes to getting in shape.

Of course, working out at home can be a challenge, too. Whether it's creating and maintaining an effective exercise space, motivating yourself to start, or staying focused for the long term, at-home fitness comes with its share of drawbacks. But it can also be an incredibly convenient way to get and stay fit under just about any circumstance. So, with that outcome in mind, here are 5 simple tips for successfully working out at home.

1. Schedule your workouts.

One of the keys to successful home workouts is establishing a consistent schedule. Scheduling time to exercise allows you to plan around it so you won’t feel the need to push it to the side. It also means timing and prioritizing your workout so it doesn’t take a back seat to other activities. If you find you don’t have the energy to exercise at the end of the day, schedule your session first thing in the morning instead. You might also consider fitting it into your lunch break, even if that means you only have 30 minutes or so. The most important thing is to get started and stay consistent, and scheduling can help with both those challenges.

2. Create a designated training area.

Designating a space in your home as your workout spot can help you keep your workouts top of mind, too, without disrupting your household. And it doesn’t have to be a big area. In fact, all you really need is a space the size of a yoga mat to have an effective and efficient workout. So set aside a small space and plan to make the most of it.

3. Eliminate distractions.

It’s easy to get distracted at home. Whether it’s chores, family members, pets, the TV, someone at the door, or the ever-present phone, there’s a never-ending list of things that could lead to cutting a workout short or skipping it altogether. That’s why it’s important to take whatever steps you can to remove or minimize distractions before and during your workout time. They’ll still be there when you’re done; just don’t let them take your focus and derail your progress.

4. Don’t worry about gym equipment.

Don’t stress over not having the “proper equipment.” Lots of effective exercises don’t require any equipment at all. Body-weight exercises like planks, squats, lunges, and push-ups are perfect examples. They all engage multiple muscle groups at the same time and allow you to burn calories and build muscle without a lot of exercises. Having some basic equipment like hand weights, bands, and a mat will obviously give you more options, but you don’t need them to get a great full-body workout.

5. Remember to stretch and recover.

Just because you’re at home or might be pressed for time is no excuse to skip a proper warm-up. It’s always important to stretch, loosen, and warm your muscles up before your workout and do a brief cool down afterward. Prepping your body for a workout will help prevent injuries and give you a better, more efficient experience with more positive results.

Making fitness a priority and a success is a challenge no matter where you work out. So, choosing to exercise at home won’t make your plan any less effective. Just follow these simple tips, be consistent, and stay committed and you can make this year your fittest and most fulfilling.