When a female patient came in to outpatient registration last year worried and frightened, registrar Cathy K. knew this patient needed help. When Cathy glanced down at the diagnosis, she knew why: breast cancer.

With her husband unable to get off work and her son running late, the patient was facing her partial mastectomy alone. Cathy took it upon herself to be the patient’s family.

After registration was complete, Cathy took the patient by the hand and walked her down to the surgery waiting area. After finding the patient a seat, she walked across the hall to the gift shop to find something pink – the rallying color for breast cancer patients and survivors. Sitting on the shelf was a white teddy bear with a bright pink bow around its neck. She purchased the bear and brought it to the patient.

“This is not the same as your son being here,” Cathy said, “but hold him. He will be there for you today.”

Addressing each patient’s unique needs is something our associates do in big and little ways every single day. Thanks, Cathy, for being the “someone” this patient needed.