Financial Assistance
Mount Carmel East, Grove City, St. Ann's, New Albany, and Diley Ridge Medical Center associates are called to provide safe, exceptional care to improve or restore well-being, to relieve and prevent suffering, and to be a community of persons in service to others.
We are committed to foster healing, act with compassion, and promote wellness for all persons and communities with special attention to those who are poor, underserved and most vulnerable.
By our service, we strive to transform hurt into hope.
Patients Who Are Under-Insured or Without Insurance
Mount Carmel Financial Counselors are available at registration, and during or after the hospital stay, to explain available patient financial assistance options. We also guide patients through the application process (free of charge), and help patients to:
- Apply for Medicaid
- Learn about Medicaid
- Apply for The Ohio Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP)
- Ohio residents who do not currently receive Medicaid benefits and have family income which is at or below federal poverty guidelines receive hospital care at no charge.
- Apply for Mount Carmel Financial Assistance
- Establish an interest free or low interest payment plan
- Receive discounted care
- Mount Carmel offers discounts to patients who are uninsured and demonstrate financial hardship. Prompt-pay discounts are also available.
Mount Carmel Financial Assistance
Click here for the plain language summary of our Financial Assistance & Charity Care policy.
Mount Carmel offers financial assistance to eligible patients. The program may provide discounted care for individuals and families who are between 201 and 400 percent of federal poverty guidelines.
Patients with family income below 200% of federal poverty guidelines may qualify to receive their hospital care at no charge.
We also recognize that patients may need additional financial assistance for hospital care based on their individual circumstance.
Eligibility determination is based on income, personal assets, family size, and the amount of the hospital bill.
Mount Carmel also offers low interest loans for up to three years to qualifying patients, depending on the outstanding balance and/or personal situation.
Patient Responsibility
Patients must assume the final responsibility to apply for assistance, and to provide complete and accurate information on the application.
Click here to view a list of covered and non-covered providers.
Medicare AGB Rates
Amounts generally billed (AGB) means financial assistance-eligible patients will not be charged more than the amounts that are generally billed to individuals who have insurance covering the same care. Click here to view our current AGB rates.
Poverty Guidelines
U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines Used to Determine Financial Eligibility for Certain Programs