High Risk Breast Program

Mount Carmel's Women's Health Centers are accredited breast centers according to the Natonal Accreditation Program for Breast Centers

Because you can only manage your breast cancer risk if you understand it, Mount Carmel offers a High Risk Breast Program for patients with key risk factors, including:

  • Personal or family history of breast cancer
  • Previous biopsy with a high-risk finding
  • Having a first child after age 30, or no children
  • Having a first menstrual period before age 12
  • Starting menopause after age 50
  • Dense breast tissue
  • Smoking
  • Body Mass Index great than 30
  • Ashkenazi Jewish decent

If you have one or more risk factors, the program’s expert team of breast health specialists can help by offering:

  • Risk assessments
  • Genetic counseling and testing
  • State-of-the-art imaging
  • Clinical breast exams
  • Personalized risk reduction surgeries

If you think you might be at high risk or would like to know more, ask your physician for a referral or call 614-546-HOPE to schedule an appointment